
Hours and hours of paperwork is now complete!

Paperwork for adoption can be a bit overwhelming. There are so many questions they need to ask and many documents they need to support all of the questions they ask! But if we really think about it, they don’t know us. We know us, our friends and family know us, but they do not. So it makes sense that they need to get to know us: Will be good parents? Is this a safe household for children? Do we have a home? Do we have insurance? What kind of insurance? What does your budget look like? What parenting techniques will you use? How is your marriage? What do you do for fun? What things will you do as a family? How will your marriage sustain all of the highs and lows of the adoption process? and many more.

We have turned in all of the initial papers requested, and a shout out to our references for a quick turnaround on their paperwork as well! I am pleased to say that we are now in the process of background checks and fingerprinting!! Next step will be the home visit!