
Our first home study is in the books!

We greatly appreciate all your prayers for this intention! All your words of encouragement really helped calm me for the visit and really helped me set my ‘Martha’ aside and just let God’s plan unfold. I cannot even begin to describe the excitement and joy that we have in being one step closer to have our home study approved! Next step will be to have a second home study with more in-depth interviews from the case workers. Note to self: start baby proofing! The number of home study visits is really determined on a case-by-case basis, but we are praying that they continue to go well. Then once the home study is completed, we will be able to continue with creating our profile book. This book will then be shown to expectant parents that are looking to place their child for adoption.

The case workers did advise us to prepare ourselves for the highs and lows of adoption. Similar to the highs and lows that we have had with each pregnancy. There will be times when our profile book is shown but not chosen. So, on the one hand, there is the excitement of being a potential match and having our book shown, but on the other hand, if we are not chosen from the selection, then we should be prepared for disappointment. And although this will be difficult, we know that putting our faith in God and trusting in His timing is necessary. We know that whatever child he has planned for us, will be the perfect addition to our family. Sometimes the hardest part is… waiting.

Our request from you (aside from continuous prayers) is to send us any resources you have on adoption. Maybe you read a great article or know of a great book. Or maybe you don’t know of any resources off hand, but you know someone who has adopted and maybe they have some great reads. Whatever the case, we ask that you send them our way! Any information would help, and we look forward to learning more on this journey!

P.S. If you would be so kind, we also ask for you to reply to this post or via email with a small blurb, sentence, paragraph, whatever you may choose, that best describes ‘Frankie and Jenn’.