
We had our second Home Study Interview on Friday 9/9.

I was so nervous for this interview! What questions were they going to ask? Would they see us as good fit for parents? Is our house clean enough? I had also been doing some painting to refresh the feel of the walls but was met with being overwhelmed by not having the house organized. Yet again, I was shown that there is no reason for us to be nervous. God is clearly in control of everything, and this adventure is no exception. A lot of the questions we were asked were in line with questions that we had already answered in our autobiography as a part of the application process.

Examples of some questions are: How would you describe your parents and your relationship with them? What values were important in your family when you were growing up? What was school like for you? What activities were you involved in while in school?

We had 3 hours set aside for interviews, 1 hour each for individual interviews for Frankie and me, and a third hour for a joint interview. Apparently, whether out of nervousness or wanting to give all the detail, I talk a lot. My interview lasted about 2 hours, and after a small break, Frankie’s interview started. Overall, he only had about 30 minutes before we needed to call it a day out of respect for everyone’s time. As a result, we will have another interview set up for the continuation of his portion as well as our joint portion.

God willing, once the interviews are complete, we will be eligible for placement. The next step after that, and something that we are starting to work on already, is our profile book. This book will be presented to the expecting parent(s) that we match with and will be their main deciding factor in whether we are chosen or not. If you haven’t done so already, please let us know how you would describe us and what makes you think of us. We will try to utilize these as we put our profile book together.