
Starting off this post with some housekeeping items. I know, it’s not fun, but I hope you all can see the importance of it. Understand that the information I am about to share is very personal. I want to ensure that details are to remain confidential due to the sensitive nature. This is to protect and respect the privacy of those involved. This goes for any details shared both in this blog and in other forms of communication.

We have recently been asked to adopt a sibling group.

When talking about this news with our current case worker, she told us how excited she is for us and how she thinks we would be a perfect fit for a sibling group. Needless to say, we are very excited!! Thinking about the details can sometimes be overwhelming, but we are in the mindset that God has a plan for us, and if this is meant to be, then it will be. We are putting trust in God and modeling our Holy Mother in saying ‘yes’ to the will of God.

Now the question is, what do the next steps look like? Well, we aren’t sure yet. We aren’t sure of what the timeline will look like either. Our case worker is certainly working on finding out for us though!!

We ask you all to storm heaven with your prayers for everyone involved! This is not a guarantee, but we are praying! I am not able to add a picture due to confidentiality, but thought the image attached is the perfect description of this moment.

We are still working on finishing our puzzle, especially now with the possibility of a sibling group coming into our home. Please consider donating and sharing with your family and friends so we can complete our puzzle and be prepared for what God has in store for us! God will always provide!