Prayer – Frankie & Jenn's Adoption Adventure “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Saint Teresa of Calcutta Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:22:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Adoption Finalization, Baptism, and Moving! Thu, 25 Jul 2024 20:13:28 +0000 7/25/2024

It’s officially official!! We are the Munoz family of 5!

Adoption day went as smoothly as could be! We had several friends and family members join us on our special day both in person and on Zoom. We were both nervous as all heck, but knew that with so much support and love, this hearing was more to legalize the process of adoption and grant the children their legal new names. My parents even made statements to the judge on our behalf. (Remind me to get copies of those!) It was such an emotional day filled with happy tears! I cannot thank everyone enough for all the love, support, paperwork, time, energy, faith, trust, etc. The list is endless.

The next day, again surrounded by friends and family members, these three were brought into the Catholic Church through the Sacrament of Baptism. Original Sin has been washed away, and they are made new through Christ. Lord, please guide these children and give them Your strength to follow in Your footsteps. Please also guide us as parents to set an example for them to follow and help us to lead them home to You. Amen.

Next up…. Moving day! With the quick expansion of our family, we have decided to purchase a home in Grand Forks and will be selling our home in Reynolds. There is a lot to be done in the next few weeks, but hoping we can relax soon. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers.

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Adoption Date Set! Wed, 10 Jul 2024 15:55:24 +0000 7/10/2024

We finally have an adoption date!! Please keep us in your prayers on 7/19 and 7/20, as we will officially be welcoming these three children into our family and into the Catholic Church!

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Home Study Sat, 27 May 2023 18:51:30 +0000


Taking some time while all three duckies nap to write a few updates.

The next step in all that is happening is to get our home study completed so that we can get our foster care licensing. Wait… home study? Didn’t we just complete one of those in March? The answer is yes. So with all of the agencies being separate, we will need to do a home study for foster care licensing and another home study for adoption. Each of these home studies are a minimum of 3 visits, and lots of paperwork.

We should have had our first home study visit on May 16th, but due to us being sick, we postponed it until the 22nd. On the 22nd, the foster care licensing agent came to our home and asked us several questions that we have answered through our previous home study. I know they are just doing their job and trying to get to know us. But its frustrating to have to go through the same process over again with another person. Oh well. Anything for these little ones!

Next up for us: Purchasing fire extinguishers and making sure each room has a working smoke alarm, and replacing any that are expired. We also need to draw up a fire escape plan for our house. Other than that, most of the paperwork has been completed, and we are waiting for the next 2 home visits. Next one coming up on the 30th. We will also be needing to start paperwork with the adoption agency and get background checks and fingerprinting completed (for the fourth time in less than a year). We will get there!

All things being considered, I am grateful that things are progressing towards us having these kiddos in our home. We are praying that it will be less than a month away! Thank you for all of your generosity and prayers! Your immense support means the world to us!

We are so overwhelmed with joy, love, and grace! We honestly cannot thank everyone enough! God is working through us and each one of you to provide an amazing life for these kiddos. THANK YOU! Please let us know how we can pray for you!

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God is Good! Tue, 18 Apr 2023 03:18:09 +0000


Praise be to God!

We have been waiting for what seems like forever. Two months ago, we were informed about a sibling group that was looking for adoptive parents. It has been three weeks since the first custodial hearing. Waiting… waiting… waiting. Sometimes patiently, sometimes impatiently. Having this all happen during Lent was perfect timing, and gave us time to reflect. The thing that always came to the top of our minds was that God’s Will be done. God has His hand in each step of our lives. And if this was meant to be, He would make it happen, whether that means with these kids or other kids.

This morning, we were notified that we have been identified as the future adoptive parents of this sibling group! It has been a whirlwind of a day to say the least! Only a few of the siblings are eligible at this time, and the others are still going through the process.

What is next?? More paperwork, believe it or not. It is our goal to not separate the siblings from each other. Therefore, we have decided to go through the process of foster care certification so the siblings can stay together as we go through this transition. One of the more challenging parts about the North Dakota system is that all the agencies are separate. Foster care is separate from adoption, separate from infant adoption, and separate from adopting kids with special needs. This means that we need to do another application, another set of background checks and fingerprints, and other foster care training.

Things will be moving quickly! We are excited to share the news with everyone! Please keep in mind that everything is still confidential. Keep sending your support and kind words. We love hearing from you!

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Buckle Your Seatbelts Sun, 19 Feb 2023 03:13:47 +0000


Starting off this post with some housekeeping items. I know, it’s not fun, but I hope you all can see the importance of it. Understand that the information I am about to share is very personal. I want to ensure that details are to remain confidential due to the sensitive nature. This is to protect and respect the privacy of those involved. This goes for any details shared both in this blog and in other forms of communication.

We have recently been asked to adopt a sibling group.

When talking about this news with our current case worker, she told us how excited she is for us and how she thinks we would be a perfect fit for a sibling group. Needless to say, we are very excited!! Thinking about the details can sometimes be overwhelming, but we are in the mindset that God has a plan for us, and if this is meant to be, then it will be. We are putting trust in God and modeling our Holy Mother in saying ‘yes’ to the will of God.

Now the question is, what do the next steps look like? Well, we aren’t sure yet. We aren’t sure of what the timeline will look like either. Our case worker is certainly working on finding out for us though!!

We ask you all to storm heaven with your prayers for everyone involved! This is not a guarantee, but we are praying! I am not able to add a picture due to confidentiality, but thought the image attached is the perfect description of this moment.

We are still working on finishing our puzzle, especially now with the possibility of a sibling group coming into our home. Please consider donating and sharing with your family and friends so we can complete our puzzle and be prepared for what God has in store for us! God will always provide!

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ER Visit Sat, 17 Sep 2022 18:32:04 +0000 9/17/2022

Thursday night was a rough one for us. It started with pain in my lower abdomen similar to that of menstrual cramps around 10pm. No big deal, I took some Tylenol and laid in bed. As I was waiting for the pain medicine to kick in, the pain was getting worse. Then was more concentrated on the lower right side of my abdomen. “I have a high pain tolerance, I can handle this,” I thought to myself, “Maybe it’s just gas.” I started getting chills and had the heat blanket blasting. Around midnight, the pain was so bad, I that I couldn’t take it anymore, and I was worried that there was something wrong with my appendix. So, I woke Frankie up and we went to the ER. They were also concerned about appendicitis, so they did a CT scan to see what could be causing the pain. The CT scan showed normal appendix, kidneys, and gallbladder. But it also showed that I had some uterine fibroids. I knew that there was a chance of them coming back after the surgery I had in 2016. In 2019, there was a small one in the wall of my uterus on the left side, only 3cm.

The doctor had ordered an ultrasound to get a better look at the fibroids and to get the measurements. It turns out that this one on the left side that used to be 3cm, had now grown to 7.5cm. Yikes!! It has grown so much in just a few years! They also found that there was another one in the wall of my uterus on the right side that was 3.2cm. Amongst other smaller ones throughout the uterine wall. We left the ER and arrived home around 5:30am. Talk about a long night!

What do to with this information? Does this mean another surgery to have them removed? What if they are too deep in the uterine wall? Would it be worth another surgery just to have them come back again? Or would this be the point to consider a hysterectomy?

I’ve prayed about it a lot, and after all that we have been through with my health, I wouldn’t be opposed to having a hysterectomy, but I also have heard that just having a hysterectomy doesn’t correct the hormone issue, and some women even have more issues after having a hysterectomy. But I have also heard that for some women, it is the best decision they have ever made for their health.

I followed up with my doctor on Friday and she thinks there might be a way to avoid surgery. We are going to try to increase my progesterone in hopes that this would be able to shrink the size of the fibroids and hopefully make it so that I wouldn’t need to have surgery. I feel that God has granted me (and Frankie) the peace to be able to handle whatever happens, even if that means having a hysterectomy.

I think back to 2016 when I was first having so much uterine pain and found out I had fibroids. At that time, I had 2 fibroids that were about 5cm each. Then to 2018 when I was in so much pain, I couldn’t even sit comfortably. Then in 2020 when I had endometriosis. This year, I feel that between my new chiropractor and my new doctor, and of course my own dedication, I have made great strides in my overall health, and hopefully will be able to continue to get better.

It has been a long road, and we have been through a lot. We will continue to pray and see where God takes us in this journey. Thank you for all of your prayers.

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Home Study – First Interview Fri, 19 Aug 2022 23:14:11 +0000 8/19/2022

Our first home study is in the books!

We greatly appreciate all your prayers for this intention! All your words of encouragement really helped calm me for the visit and really helped me set my ‘Martha’ aside and just let God’s plan unfold. I cannot even begin to describe the excitement and joy that we have in being one step closer to have our home study approved! Next step will be to have a second home study with more in-depth interviews from the case workers. Note to self: start baby proofing! The number of home study visits is really determined on a case-by-case basis, but we are praying that they continue to go well. Then once the home study is completed, we will be able to continue with creating our profile book. This book will then be shown to expectant parents that are looking to place their child for adoption.

The case workers did advise us to prepare ourselves for the highs and lows of adoption. Similar to the highs and lows that we have had with each pregnancy. There will be times when our profile book is shown but not chosen. So, on the one hand, there is the excitement of being a potential match and having our book shown, but on the other hand, if we are not chosen from the selection, then we should be prepared for disappointment. And although this will be difficult, we know that putting our faith in God and trusting in His timing is necessary. We know that whatever child he has planned for us, will be the perfect addition to our family. Sometimes the hardest part is… waiting.

Our request from you (aside from continuous prayers) is to send us any resources you have on adoption. Maybe you read a great article or know of a great book. Or maybe you don’t know of any resources off hand, but you know someone who has adopted and maybe they have some great reads. Whatever the case, we ask that you send them our way! Any information would help, and we look forward to learning more on this journey!

P.S. If you would be so kind, we also ask for you to reply to this post or via email with a small blurb, sentence, paragraph, whatever you may choose, that best describes ‘Frankie and Jenn’.

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Beautiful new home! Wed, 18 May 2022 15:58:49 +0000


Last Thursday, we signed papers for our new house, and officially moved on Monday! We are now living in a rural area with a little over an acre of land. It is so nice to slow down a bit and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature around us. Both of us look forward to working outside at times, but also enjoying our outdoor grill, fire pit, and taking long walks and exploring around our area.

Waking up to the sound of the beautiful birds happily chirping in the morning makes our day brighter. I even had some visitors while I was working on Tuesday. Dad says that these American Goldfinches are symbolic of joy, enthusiasm, positivity, and persistence. Very fitting!

Due to the move, the puzzle has been packed away. I will be getting it put together again soon and will post an update when I do. Please keep passing our website along to your family and friends 🙂 We are getting closer every day to making our dream a reality. God is truly working in our lives, and we cannot wait to see what He has in store for us in this new town.

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