
Praise be to God!

We have been waiting for what seems like forever. Two months ago, we were informed about a sibling group that was looking for adoptive parents. It has been three weeks since the first custodial hearing. Waiting… waiting… waiting. Sometimes patiently, sometimes impatiently. Having this all happen during Lent was perfect timing, and gave us time to reflect. The thing that always came to the top of our minds was that God’s Will be done. God has His hand in each step of our lives. And if this was meant to be, He would make it happen, whether that means with these kids or other kids.

This morning, we were notified that we have been identified as the future adoptive parents of this sibling group! It has been a whirlwind of a day to say the least! Only a few of the siblings are eligible at this time, and the others are still going through the process.

What is next?? More paperwork, believe it or not. It is our goal to not separate the siblings from each other. Therefore, we have decided to go through the process of foster care certification so the siblings can stay together as we go through this transition. One of the more challenging parts about the North Dakota system is that all the agencies are separate. Foster care is separate from adoption, separate from infant adoption, and separate from adopting kids with special needs. This means that we need to do another application, another set of background checks and fingerprints, and other foster care training.

Things will be moving quickly! We are excited to share the news with everyone! Please keep in mind that everything is still confidential. Keep sending your support and kind words. We love hearing from you!