
Taking some time while all three duckies nap to write a few updates.

The next step in all that is happening is to get our home study completed so that we can get our foster care licensing. Wait… home study? Didn’t we just complete one of those in March? The answer is yes. So with all of the agencies being separate, we will need to do a home study for foster care licensing and another home study for adoption. Each of these home studies are a minimum of 3 visits, and lots of paperwork.

We should have had our first home study visit on May 16th, but due to us being sick, we postponed it until the 22nd. On the 22nd, the foster care licensing agent came to our home and asked us several questions that we have answered through our previous home study. I know they are just doing their job and trying to get to know us. But its frustrating to have to go through the same process over again with another person. Oh well. Anything for these little ones!

Next up for us: Purchasing fire extinguishers and making sure each room has a working smoke alarm, and replacing any that are expired. We also need to draw up a fire escape plan for our house. Other than that, most of the paperwork has been completed, and we are waiting for the next 2 home visits. Next one coming up on the 30th. We will also be needing to start paperwork with the adoption agency and get background checks and fingerprinting completed (for the fourth time in less than a year). We will get there!

All things being considered, I am grateful that things are progressing towards us having these kiddos in our home. We are praying that it will be less than a month away! Thank you for all of your generosity and prayers! Your immense support means the world to us!

We are so overwhelmed with joy, love, and grace! We honestly cannot thank everyone enough! God is working through us and each one of you to provide an amazing life for these kiddos. THANK YOU! Please let us know how we can pray for you!