
I apologize for not updating for a while. I feel that the days just fly by with the holiday season now being in full swing. Our final home study interview was on 10/20. This was probably the shortest of all the home study interviews. This one mainly covered finances and any additional clarifying questions that the case worker needed to finalize our home study. I thought this would be the one that would take the longest, especially since finances seem to change often. But we were able to give just a few updates and have everything good to go.

What are the next steps for us? The case worker will go through all of their notes and will get everything typed and organized. Once that is complete, we all just need to sign off on everything showing that it is complete and correct. Once that is done, we will be officially active adoptive parents! We are in the process of creating our profile book. Within this book, we will have pictures and stories covering what we like to do in our free time, what life would look like in our family, and key values that are important to us. In fact, since family is one of our key values, we had asked our cousin Sarah to help us with some design elements within our profile book, and my dad will be helping us to create a website to go along with our book. Once our profile book is complete, the agency will pre-match us (and others looking to adopt) with expecting parents and the expecting parents will be given 3-5 profile books from which to choose the adoptive parents of their child. We fully expect that this process might happen multiple times but are trusting in God and His timing that we will be perfectly matched.

Puzzle Update! We are about half-way to our goal! <3 You all mean the world to us and this whole process feels a bit surreal. We have been thinking and praying about adopting for quite some time. We truly thank you from the bottom of our hearts in helping this to become a reality for us!

We cannot express enough how much all of your support means to us! This journey is definitely not easy, but having you all by our side, praying for us, and keeping us grounded means the world to us!

We would love to hear from you! Please send us your prayer requests and we will offer them up in daily prayer.