
It’s official! We are licensed for foster care! We had our third and final home study visit on Friday and received the official licensing notice today!

It feels so real! The official transition weekend is coming up so fast! 4 sleeps!

Things have felt hectic around the house with trying to get their room organized, laundry finished, paperwork completed, and this week, preparing my coworkers for my leave. We have several appointments next week for them and for me, so it will take a lot of coordinating. But this is what we have been waiting for! We are excited, nervous, and all of the feelings wrapped into one.

We are grateful that my dad is able to come out for a few weeks to help us transition to new daycares, new services, appointments, meal prepping, etc. Love you mom! See you soon!

Thank you to all who have offered their help!! We appreciate every little thing you say or do for us! This process is overwhelming, not just with paperwork, but from going from 0 kids to 3. It will take some adjusting, so if we are quiet for a while, know that we are still reading your emails, replies, texts, etc.

For all that have sent gifts, cards, prayers, helped out at church or at home, etc, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! It helps us to focus on the bigger picture and worry less.

God has a wonderful plan, and we are so glad we said “yes”!