
It has been a journey, but we are getting settled into our new home. We have had a chance to put the puzzle back together and I wanted to post an update.

We are currently waiting for the processing of our background checks and will then be able to start the home study process. If any of you have been through this process, we are open to suggestions. The home study makes me pretty nervous. Me being me, I feel like things need to be perfect. That if something isn’t cleaned the best, or if there are items that are not organized or put away, then maybe the agency will see us as being unfit parents. I highly doubt the process goes that way. I’m sure they check more for things like baby gates, child locks on cabinets, outlet covers, generally tidy home, etc. Will they care that we don’t have the paint colors that we want on the walls? No. Will they care that our decorations are not up on the walls? Also no. I think attaching some furniture to the wall is important, but which pieces? How many pieces would be considered overkill? Do our brick entry stairs need to have a railing? What if it isn’t our main entry? I’m so worried about doing something wrong, or not getting it right on the first time, and then needing additional visits. But this focus on perfection isn’t doing me any good. If anything, it is actually preventing me from starting to get some of these things done, and well, that doesn’t help the process at all. Focusing on God is the most important thing. Getting that focus centered, and really looking at the big picture. And if things aren’t perfect, that’s ok! This is a journey, and it will all be worth it. Focusing on God and walking in faith!

Thank you for all the outpouring of love and support. I still tear up at every single contribution, letter, text, note that we receive! We feel that we don’t deserve this, but at the same time, that makes us more grateful and blessed that we have an amazing support system to show us how worthy and loved we are.

Sending lots of love! Please let us know how we can pray for you!

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