
We are three quarters of the way to our goal!

We continue to be blessed with an immense amount of support from our family and friends. Each one of your blessings touch our hearts! All of your prayers are greatly appreciated, and please know that we are praying for all of you!

This next month will be a month of waiting. We know God’s timing is perfect, but we also sometimes struggle with letting Him be in control. This time of waiting has been perfectly placed within the season of Lent. Lent is a time of waiting, fasting, praying, and drawing ourselves closer to God. Through this, we have the opportunity to prepare our hearts and our home for these children. We can see all of the good works that God is revealing in our lives, and we are overjoyed for what He has in store for our future.

Please pray for us as we prepare and please let us know how we can pray for you!