Licensing Updates

6/12/2023 It’s official! We are licensed for foster care! We had our third and final home study visit on Friday and received the official licensing […]

Home Study

5/27/2023 Taking some time while all three duckies nap to write a few updates. The next step in all that is happening is to get […]

Several Updates

5/09/2023 Goodness! Where do I start?! So much has happened in the last month. It has been a whirlwind. Last I wrote, we had officially […]

God is Good!

4/17/2023 Praise be to God! We have been waiting for what seems like forever. Two months ago, we were informed about a sibling group that […]

Puzzle Update #6

3/9/2023 We are three quarters of the way to our goal! We continue to be blessed with an immense amount of support from our family […]